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Тренер на Пхукете! Владимир Загадов.

  • 0875408476
  • http://www.facebook.com/sportzagadov?ref=hl

О Владимире

Zagadov Vladimir


Your personal trainer
The personal trainings is much more effective to achieve the most difficult goals on the way to strength, beauty and health.
The Master of Sports of International Category in Powerlifting, 
Certified trainer-instructor with the experience of 18 years

FreeMotion Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Certification, 
Diploma of Far Eastern Government University Physical culture and Sports faculty;
Winner in sports competitions:
The quadruple Powerlifting Champion of the Far Easten Region (Russia); 
The fivefold Absolute Powerlifting Champion of Primorski Region (Russia);
The sevenfold Absolute Powerlifting Champion Vladivostok City (Russia);
The twelvefold Powerlifting Champion of Vladivostok City (Russia);
The Winner of the Champion of cup of Russia in Siberia (Irkutsk city); 
The triple Prize-Winner in Bodybuilding of Primorski Region (Russia) 

My effective method of trainings has number of advantages:
Individually built personal training program, taking into consideration level of your health, age and maximum goals you wish to reach;
Detailed Plans of trainings for every work out;
I will create specially designed the individual diet program, including supplements, sports food, vitamin complexes;
Controlling and correcting the performance technique of the exercises to raise productivity of trainings;
I will control the safety during the exercises, and help you correctly use sports equipment and training machines;
The Exercises with the personal trainer will motivate your body to work at the full capacity, to achieve the best results.

“Anything so doesn't exhaust and destroy the person, as physical inactivity.” Aristotle
If you have problems with health and require the control of physical condition, personal training will be the best choice for you. Using my techniques of trainings I achieved positive results in programs of people rehabilitation of different ages.
Personal trainings are very effective to achieve the goals on the way to strength, beauty and health.

Personal training:
Set of muscular weight and straight
Body weight and “problem zones” reduction,
Specially designed the individual food & diet programs and personal trainings plans
Training of body straight and endurance
The purpose - creation of attractive constitution, health support and muscles tone.

Основная информация

Contact Info

Personal trainer Vladimir 0875408476 and Evgeniya 0875408526 in Phuket


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  1. Гость ( IP: 171.*.*.171 )

    ЖЕНА его,как - то быстро стала проф тренером на Пхукете, дол этого была барменом в фитнес центре .. опасно к таким тренершам для своего здоровья попадать. Ни дипломов ни чего у нее нет , всему учил муж ... За техникой грамотно следить она не может, так как во время тренировок с клиентом - очень любит смотреть в телефон .

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